Great little video of the anti-American song "Fucking USA" that was the unofficial theme song of the anti-US hatefest of 2002. It's from the Rob Pongi website which is pretty damn entertaining.
Is it just me? Or does this sound like one of those songs that bad garage bands make up on the spot after going through a second case of beer?
I did a sort of "fisking" of the song lyrics and emailed it to a Pro-north website (no longer exists) that posted the lyrics in hopes of an angry reply. Never happened, much to my bitter disappointment. The following post is from the old site, so some of you may have already read it, but since my hits have tripled since setting up the new Pooper site, I thought it would be good to post it again for all my new readers (all 6 of you).
From the Kuguk Chonson site (http://www.ndfsk.dyn.to) (link dead)
Reportedly a south Korean pop composer Yoon Min-sok has recently composed one after another several anti-US pop songs such as "Laudable Cake", "Fucking U.S.A.", "Toari(tittle-tattler) Bush" in reflection of the daily rising anti-US sentiments of south Koreans.
For instance of the song "Fucking U.S.A.", Yoon was motivated to create it by a scandal at the 2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympics. In the short-track speed skating, a south Korean skater Kim Dong-seong won one of the races, but the gold medal went to a US skater due to the unfair decision which was adopted by the judges after the US's highhanded behavior.
[Could that "highhanded behavior" be explained in detail? I guess I must have missed it, because it was my understanding that the judge, an Australian, made the decision completely on his own IMMEDIATELY after the race was finished. Dong-seong had barely had time to grab the Korean flag and give it a few waves before the decision was announced. Perhaps they just assume that all us "whiteys" are in cahoots anyway]
The South Korean media described the incident as "extreme national humiliation" and "contemptuous", saying that it was “an event that disgraced national dignity of the Korean people" and a "violation that surpassed the September 11 terrorist attack on the US". Thus a "Get back the gold medal" movement was formed, e-mails were sent in protest of US arbitrariness and a boycott was declared against US goods.
[Wow, it surpassed 9/11. And we know it is true, because the SK media said it, and as professional and responsible journalists they would never be biased and overly-emotional in their reporting. This is just too silly to be worth further pooping upon]
Since Yoon's songs are well reflecting the agitated anti-US, anti-Bush feelings of the people, they are in full vogue now in South Korea. The songs are chorused in places of anti-US mass rallies and even pupils of primary schools ask for their lyrics and strains.
[Hey, that's great that you are teaching your children to hate. The Palestinians and Israelis have been doing that for the past 30 years and it's really paid off well for them. Just make sure you get the children when they are very young and do not have the maturity to form their own views yet. You wait too long, and they'll start thinking for themselves and will be more resistant to illogical hate-mongering.]
Among them, the lyrics of the song "Fucking U.S.A" follow:
“Fucking USA”
[let's go through the lyrics line by line, shall we?
1. Did you see the short-track skating race?
[Yes, about 1000 times by a Korean media hell-bent on stirring up anti-American hatred. Oh yeah, nice selection of camera angles. We'd hate to show all of them to the Korean public and make them confused as to whether the call was good or not]
A vulgar country, fucking U.S.A.
Are you so happy over a gold medal?
A nasty country, fucking U.S.A.
[No, we are not particularly happy. As a matter of fact, I think most Americans, 30 seconds after the event was finished, could have cared less if Ono had won that medal or not. Why? Because it is JUST A GAME! Have you ever asked yourself why one game is so important to you that you have to expend all this energy whining about it?]
Such as you are, can you claim that the U.S.A. is a nation of justice?
Why on earth don't we say what we have to?
Are we slaves of a colonial nation?
[In answer to the first question, yes we can, more or less, thanks for asking. As for the following questions, no, you are not slaves and, unlike your brethren to the North, you can say anything you like, no matter how idiotic. Aren't you happy that you have this freedom? Isn't it great that North Korea was prevented from taking over the South by US and UN forces so you can act and think as you like?
Yes, you are welcome.]
Now we will shout: "No to the U.S.A."
A wretched thief, fucking U.S.A. that stole our Olympic gold medal
A wicked robber, fucking U.S.A. that tries to rob everything by force
[My God, ONE controversial call in the Olympics made by an Australian that didn't go the Korean's way and the US becomes a "wretched thief." What kind of maturity level is this? Why don't you just get a T-shirt reading "My life is so pitiful that my entire sense of self-worth depends on whether or not some Korean I have not nor will ever meet wins a stupid skating game"? (a little long, might want to put it in Chinese characters).
And how exactly did we take it "by force?" Did someone have a gun to that Australian judge's head? Was his family held hostage in the basement of the Salt Lake City Mormon Temple under threat of execution if he didn't give the gold to Ono?
By the way, if you'd like to get an accurate picture of how childish this whole thing is, log on to some discussion boards with Italians, Portuguese and Spaniards and bring up the 2002 World Cup. Listen to them whine about how SK "stole" the World Cup for a few hours. Then you will BEGIN to have an idea of how ridiculous and baby-like you sound. Sad thing is, as childish as they may be about it, they are not anywhere near those South Koreans who go to the length of demonstrating, making death threats, and sabotaging websites.]
2. Did you hear Bush's reckless words?
A shameless country, fucking U.S.A.
It makes war threats to the north as well as intervention into the south
A country of gangsters, fucking U.S.A.
[Bush called the North Korean dictatorship an evil regime. Perhaps unnecessary, perhaps counterproductive, but who is going to say that it isn't true? Free speech and thought is crushed and millions of North Koreans have died due to systematic starvation and brutality, while Kim Jong-il and his posse let their belts out one more notch to accommodate their bulging bellies. And they didn't even say, "thank you" to all the money and rice that SK et. al. gave to them that went to keep the elite class and military in high spirits. Dude, that may not be evil, but it certainly isn't proper etiquette.]
Is the U.S.A. still a beautiful country?
[Yes. I highly recommend a visit to some of our national parks. You won't regret it. Many parts of the US have four seasons too]
Is the north still an "enemy" to be killed?
[No, unless you are one of those strange people who think it is NOT ok to let a government continue to brutalize and kill millions of its own people while the SK media diverts our attention by showing us more pictures of the amazingly happy NK cheerleaders.
Oh yeah, you might want to tell the families of the 6 SK soldiers who died in the naval battle in 2002 that the north is no longer an enemy either, I think they might be a little confused. The million man NK army currently in "forward positions" to invade South Korea might need this clarified as well]
How much more do you want to endure?
[Are you talking to the people who have to listen to this inane propaganda? Are you talking to people with rational minds who have to listen to your absurd bullshit day after day? In that case, our answer is, "no mas, no mas." You've already proven to us very well how retarded you are. Really, it's enough.]
It's time to shout: "Yankee, go home!"
[There's an evil part of me that would love to see just that, just to see your pitiful faces when your economy collapses and North Korea rolls in. However, I know you are in the minority in South Korea, (it’s even your “progressive” government that you elected that is begging us to stay, just in case you had forgotten). I know that the majority of South Koreans are nowhere near so stupid as to want this. For the sake of those South Koreans who have a balanced view of things, I hope you do not get your wish]
You dirty Yankees, wait and see
We will reunify the country with the independent force of the Korean nation
We will build a dignified country, a reunified country
[Ok, we'll wait, though it's still unclear as to how you will pull off this unification without military conflict. Oh wait, that's right, the Sunshine Policy will "melt" Kim Jong il's icy heart and he'll turn out to be a jolly old lovable teddy bear. I bet he even gets his own Children's Show on MBC after he willingly steps down from his "presidency" and turns all power over to "Our Party." The show will be called, "Dear Uncle Kim and Friends," and every show will have the children sing him songs praising him for bringing peace and dignity to the Korean people (and inventing Chocopies and Starcraft, of course)]
Don't forget the blood-stained history of Korea!
[You mean the Japanese occupation that was ended by the USA? Do you mean the blood of 10's of thousands of Americans and soldiers from other western nations who prevented South Korea from the fate that North Koreans face today? Ok, I'll be sure to keep that in mind. You might want to remind President Noh though. Judging from his speeches on Korean Independence Day, he seems to have forgotten the tiny role of the US in Korea's independence]
You, author of Korea's division, fucking U.S.A.
[yes, we certainly are. So sorry about that, but we were under the impression that South Koreans actually wanted to live in a democracy and prosper. Had we known the truth, we would have just allowed you to be unified under the glorious leadership of Kim Il-sun and Kim Jeong-il. Our bad!]
Don't forget the Nogun-ri massacre of civilians!
You, murderer, fucking U.S.A.
[wow, for a second I thought you'd get through the whole song without a legitimate complaint against the US. I agree, this should be thoroughly investigated and properly dealt with, while all the time we keep in mind that in the big picture it was an isolated event, still not clearly examined, and obviously not the intention and general policy of the US at that time.
By the way, during your exhaustive research of past American military crimes in the Korean War, be careful or you might stumble across information related to the slaughter of thousands of Korean civilians by South Korean soldiers who suspected they were allied with the north. If you dwell on that too much, it might make the American atrocities look very small in comparison. We wouldn't want that.]
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